Learning Objectives:-

  • Concept of Word-pad. 
  • Steps to open word-pad.
  • Concept of Notepad.
  • Steps to open Notepad.

Word pad

C Word pad is one of the most popular programs of windows operating system. This program is already installed with windows. So you should not install this program you can type the data & print the data by using this program.

1. How to start word pad?
-       Click on start button
-       Choose program/all program
-       Choose Accessories
-       Choose word pad & click there

-       Goto start button
-       Click on Run
-       Type word pad
-       Click on OK.

After starting the word pad we can see the following dialog box.

CNotepad is a software program. We can type the data and print the data .we can save the data and open the data in notepad .it is contains in the accessories group.

1. How to start notepad
-       Go to start button
-       Click on run
-       Type notepad
-       Click on ok /8
-       Go to start button
-       Click on program /all program
-       Choose accessories
-       Again choose notepad and click there.

  Note :- You will get chance to learn about:-

  1. Increase text size 
  1. Text colorful
  1.  Insert images, tables, date and time &

  1. many more in MS WORD TOPIC .
                                                                         By: Sahil Pandey

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