Learning Objectives :-

In this post you will know about following things. They are as follows:-
  1. Concept of MS-Word
  2. Steps of starting and closing it.
  3. About arrow keys.
  4. How to bold and underline the words? & many more..

MS-Word :-

C Microsoft word is very powerful, advance and use full word-processing software which is developed by Microsoft Corporation of USA. It has all kind of word processing facilities like to create, edit, format, save and print the document, to check spelling and grammar. To search for synonyms and antonyms. We can also create any types of documents, reports, thesis, story, Book, designing, news paper in this program we can save the document for future use.  

1. How to start ms-word?
-       Go to start button
-       Click on Run
-       Type winword
-       Click on OK.
-       Click on start button
-       Choose program/All program
-       Microsoft office
-       Again choose Microsoft office word 2003 & click there
  When you start the Microsoft word you will see the following dialog box.

Mind it while typing
-       Keep the cursor from where you want to start typing
-       Use Enter key only at the time of changing paragraph
-       Use only single space
-       Use shift key while capitalizing first letter of word or sentence
-       Use tab key to move cursor position “0.5” character.
-       Use arrow keys (!"#$) to move the cursor at required position
-       Use backspace key to delete one character left side from cursor position
-       Use ctrl+Backspace key to delete one word left of cursor position
-       Use ctrl+delete key to delete one word to the right of cursor

How to select the text?
For one word:- double click on required word continue.
For one paragraph:- triple click on required paragraph continue.
Whole document:- press (ctrl+A) or go to edit menu click on select All

Using arrow keys
-       (shift+!):- To select the left side from cursor position
-       (shift+"):- To select the text right side from cursor position.
-       (shift+#):- To select the text up side from cursor position
-       (shift+$):-To select the text down side from cursor position.
You can select using mouse also, keep the cursor at required place form where you want to select & drag it up to destination.

Changing font style, font size, font color, Bold, Italic & under line etc.
Formatting toolbar
Direct click on dropdown arrow.
Font size
Font color
Ctrl + B     = Bold 
Ctrl + I      = Italic  
Ctrl + U    = Underline  

                                                                         By: Sahil Pandey

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