Paint brush
C Paint brush is a software drawing program used to create different kinds of drawing. it contains in the Accessories group .it is used to draw lines ,curves and circles .it makes the drawing of different color and line .

1.     How to start paintbrush?
-       Go to start button
-       Click on program /all program
-       Click  on accessories
-       Choose paint and click there
-       Go to start button
-       Click on run
-       Type mspaint
-       Click on ok

Uses of tools
1.     Free from select tools :- to select part of the image for copying and cutting.
2.     Select tool    :- to select part of the image for copying, cutting &               deleting.
3.     Eraser     :- it is used to eraser.
4.     Fill with color tool :- to fill the color.
5.     Pencil : - To draw a free form line.
6.     Airbrush tool : - to create an airbrush effect.
7.     Text tool : - to type & format text.
8.     Line tool : - to draw a straight line.
9.     Curve tool : - to draw a straight line.
10.  Rectangle tool : - to draw a rectangle or square.

          11. Color palette.

                                                                         By: Sahil Pandey

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