Learning Objectives :-

           In this Post you will know many commands of Microsoft Disk Operating System . The uses of that commands and the works of that command. So, lets commenced the learning process.  


1. Date command: - This option is used to set the date.
E.g.  C :\> date 8
          The current date is 01/01/2067
           Enter the new date: (mm/dd/yy).

2.Time command: - This command is used to set & display the time of our system.
 E.g.  c :\> time 8
           The current time is 6:30:20.00
            Enter the new time: (hh-mm-ss)

3.Vol command: - This option is used to show the particular drive.
E.g.  C :\> Vol 8

4. Ver command: - It is used to show the version of operating system.
E.g.  C :\> ver 8
          Microsoft windows xp [version 5.1.2600]

5. Cls: - This option is used to clear the screen

6. Dir command: - this command is used to display all files and directories list.

7. Copy con command:- this command is used to create file to store data in particular drive.
E.g.  C:\> copy con file name 8
         C:\> copy con Anjana 8
                 (type your message) and press F6 or (ctrl+Z)
Note :- You can see your file by using dir command.
E.g. C:\>dir 8

8. Type command:- this command is used to see the message of file.
E.g. C:\>type file name 8
        C:\> type Anjana 8

9. Ren command:- this option is used to rename the file but not the message.
E.g.  C:\>Ren old file name  new name 8
        C:\>Ren Anjana Archna 8

10. Del command:-it is used to delete the file list.
E.g.  C:\>del file name 8
        C:\>del Archna 8
If you want to delete more file than, type
E.g.  C:\>del file-1, file-2, file-3,file-4 8
        C:\>del Anjana, Archna, Dipa, Ram 8

11. Copy command:- it is used to copy file from one location to another location. There are three methods for copy file, these are.
             I.      Duplicate method
E.g.  C:\>copy old file name new name 8
         C:\>copy Anjana Asmita 8
          II.      Transfer method:-
E.g.  C:\>copy file name any drive: 8
         C:\>copy Anjana D: 8
       III.      Combined method:-
E.g. C:\>copy file-1+file-2+file-3+file-4 new name 8
        C:\>copy Anjana+Archna+ram+sita+gita radheshyam 8

12. MD command:-this command is used to create the directory file list one by one.
E.g.  C:\>MD file name 8
         C:\>MD Raja 8

13. CD command:- it is used to open directory file.
E.g.  C:\>CD file name 8
         C:\>CD Raja 8

14. RD command:- it is used to delete the directory file.

15. Mem command:-this command is used to show the detail information about the memory.
E.g.  C:\>mem 8

16. Label :- This option is used to see the label of particular drive.
E.g.  C:\>label 8
           Volume in drive c: has no label
            Volume serial number is 548C-B6BD
             Volume label <Enter for none>?
If you want to change the label one should type the label name in volume label line & press Enter.

17. Deltree command:- This command is used to delete directory and its sub directories or file at once.
E.g.  C:\>Deltree directive file name. 8

18. Move command:- It is used to move file & directory file from one drive to another drive.
E.g.  C:\>move file name required drive : 8
         C:\>move Anjana D: 8

19. ATTRIB command:- It is used to make file & directory file hidden, unhidden & read only file.
For hidden file.
E.g.  C:\>ATTRIB +H file name 8
         C:\>ATTRIB +H ram 8
For unhidden file.
E.g.  C:\>ATTRIB –H file name 8
         C:\>ATTRIB –H ram 8
For read only
E.g.  C:\>ATTRIB +R file name 8
         C:\>ATTRIB +R ram 8

                                                                         By: Sahil Pandey

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